Student Activities

Explore your options on an online community or offline meetups
We’re planning to build up our online community platforms that allow students to connect each other students, university staffs, alumni, resources and others in a single system and interact with them on a regular basis This continual interaction can form the basis for collective achievements, exemplifying the strength of our online community.

Online or Offline
Student Community

An online or offline community for online students at East Pacific University refers to a virtual community space where students interact with one another around a shared interest, challenge, or goal, over the internet. It provides a sense of belonging, support, and connection, which helps keep students engaged and motivated to persevere through their academic journey. Through discussion forums and networking opportunities, students can develop relationships with their peers, share knowledge, and learn from one another, without meeting face-to-face. It is an essential aspect of online learning that helps create a destination for real people, where they can connect and thrive together.

Online College Community

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Life as a Distance Learning Student

Effective Time Management Traditionally, most people find the norm in education to involve lectures in physical classrooms.  Tutor-student interaction is perceived as being only physical.


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